My Topics

28 October 2016
Youth communication

Let Children Learn From Watching Television: Use Trustworthy Characters!

20 October 2016
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Fit Kids are Smart Kids

14 October 2016
Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication

It’s Fun To Play Nice! Playing Prosocial Video Games Related to Positive Behavior in Children

6 October 2016
Social media, Youth communication

Snapchat Provokes More Jealousy in Romantic Relationship Than Facebook

29 September 2016
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Mostly Nice, Hardly Naughty – Teens Use Online Media to Benefit, Not Bother Others

22 September 2016
Social media, Youth communication

How Teens Use Social Media in Their Romantic Relationships

15 September 2016
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

The Power of Play: Video Games Can Reduce Anxiety in Children

8 September 2016
Social media, Youth communication

Sexy Selfies on Facebook – Who Posts the Most?

1 September 2016
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

And They Lived Happily Ever After - How Romantic Movies Affect Teens' Romantic Beliefs

12 July 2016
Youth communication

Slow Down! The Downside of Media Multitasking

7 July 2016
Social media, Youth communication

Social Media Use Increases Empathy For Peers

30 June 2016
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Taking Food Photos Makes Food Taste Better

24 June 2016
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Share H2O: How Peers Can Promote Water Drinking

16 June 2016
Social media, Media technology and AI, Youth communication

Best of Both Worlds – Teens Downplay Sex Role Stereotypes on Facebook

10 June 2016
Social media, Youth communication

But First, Let me Take a Selfie! Top-5 Topics for Young Adults’ Selfies

2 June 2016
Social media, Youth communication

What Makes Teens Accept Parents' Social Network Friend Requests?

30 May 2016
Media technology and AI, Youth communication

Babies Can Learn New Words by Watching Educational Videos

19 May 2016
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Be Happy, Use Snapchat!

5 May 2016
Social media, Media technology and AI, Youth communication

Snap! What Was That About? – How Young Adults Use Snapchat

28 April 2016
Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication

The Good and Evil of Media Multitasking